Monday, February 27, 2006

When in doubt, just turn it up and fake it.

Packed Warehouse. Crowded tables, minor complications resolved. Six songs of sweet rock. This went from the last-minute scramble to the verifiable pinnacle of rock performances. I cut my hands, I jumped the stage. I sweat so much I couldn't see through my lenses.

But we rocked.

The tone wasn't right, the channels varied in loudness, it sounded muddled, my new guitar strings were slipping down. But I just turned it up and pumped it out. I couldn't find the singing keys for some songs. I switched lines from verses and made up inane stuff on the spot. But we pumped it out and we rocked.

And they clapped.

"These next two songs will be the best five minutes of your life."

Maybe I was right.

Maybe I was right.


  1. I finally understand those sunscreen commercials now. Sweat really burns when it gets in your eyes. I was playing blind the last show, too.

    Let's put a show together, yeah? Here or there or halfway in between.

  2. Can I play the tambourine?

  3. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I heard you rocked it.

