Tuesday, January 12, 2010

International Students.

So I'm still on the email list for "Global Pathways," the international studies program at FSU, from that one time I thought I'd like to study overseas. (I'd still like to. I just never pursued it.)

I usually just delete these emails, but one part of this last one really stood out to me.

TODAY: Wal-Mart Trip with International Students

Join the Florida State international students on their Wal-Mart trip to get school and housing supplies. This is a unique opportunity to explain American culture and extend hospitality to our international students. For questions or to sign up contact Tessly.


Hmm. What to teach of American culture at Wal-Mart? I think the first lesson would be about the corner where all the homeless people stand with signs... (Or maybe the "Taco Bell Diet," since there's a TB in the front of the parking lot...)

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