Sunday, November 28, 2004

I have just realized

I have just realized that a few small changes in the things I do could produce considerable positive results in the long run.

Two weeks ago I started collecting aluminum cans. I wash them out, crush them, and store them in grocery bags. I pick them up off the ground when I see them (which helps the environment / trash collectors), will recycle them (again, with the environment, whilst also making a penny for myself), and this does not seem hinder my day to day activities in the least. This is also relatively easy, since no one here thinks about saving cans, or even recycling them.

Then, since I feel that I'm not operating at my maximum potential, I will try to schedule daily allotments of activities (such as going through my library of movies, video games, and books) in order to get a little bit done day by day. Surely if my father can build an addition (from the ground up, by himself) to our house that increases its size by at least 28.7% over a couple of years, I can get some reading of classic novels down in a few months. I've actually been thinking about doing this for a long time; I suppose first I'll need to schedule a time to make my schedule.

BUT, before all of that tom-foolery, I need to write a daring language analysis of an episode of The Simpsons by Thursday so I have time to finish recording the demo, the first step to Letters to the Editor conquering the known world, before we part for the winter. ... (And "study" for this lame computer competency test that I will rock Wednesday, so I will not have wasted 35 precious $$$.)

wakka wakka wakka

(*Update: 5/4/2015. I recall those bags of cans sitting around for a long time until both me and my roommate were sick of them and just chucked them out. There might be a lesson in that.)


  1. Save yourself some time and sanity - don't study for that computer test. Seriously. If you can operate a blog, you can pass that test.

    I've found scheduling to be utterly and completely useless in organizing my life, serving only to remind me after the fact of all the myriad things I did not get done. But at the same time, I've found reading and such gets done whether I schedule it or not.

    Finish that demo - I want to hear it. And play some more shows, dang it!

  2. Oh, "myriad," you that word that once was a noun, was adapted as an adjective, and used currently as both, I meet thee again!

    I first encountered this word used as an adjective when I was skimming through my professor's MA thesis (which he handed out as a reading supplement [...for some reason] to his seminar on Music and Healing). He wrote about myriad ways, and myriad effects, but never a myriad of ways, nor a myriad of effects. I automatically assumed he (with the doctorate) was wrong and I (college freshman) was right. I had always heard "myriad" used as a noun, that means I was right. Then I looked it up online.

    Turns out it was originally used as a noun, and then some poets came along and started removing function words, like "of," (probably to get their rhyme-schemes all nice) and then it became an adjective. And then everyone heard them doing it, and starting using "myriad" as an adjective. And then others kept using it as a noun.

    I dunno, now it sounds really weird whenever I hear that dude from Interpol sing about "the myriad ways that I love you."

    Maybe it's cuz myriad is like pyramid, which is a very concrete noun for me, and I've associated the two in my mental lexicon.

  3. Ah, these crazy pyramid times we live in!
